Mastering CDC: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Handle Delta Tables
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Mastering CDC: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Handle Delta Tables

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Change Data Capture (CDC) is a powerful tool for tracking changes in your database, but what happens when your source is a Delta table? You’re not alone if you’ve encountered the frustrating error message “Detected a data update and this is currently not supported.” Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of CDC and Delta tables, and emerge victorious with a comprehensive guide on how to overcome this hurdle.

What is CDC, and Why Do We Need It?

Change Data Capture is a mechanism that allows you to track changes made to your database, providing a record of every insert, update, and delete operation. This is particularly useful for auditing, data integration, and data warehousing. CDC helps you to:

  • Maintain data integrity and consistency
  • Improve data quality and accuracy
  • Enhance data security and compliance
  • Simplify data integration and migration

What is a Delta Table?

A Delta table is a type of table in a data warehouse that stores the changes made to the original data. It’s essentially a log of all the updates, inserts, and deletes that have occurred in the source table. Delta tables are commonly used in data warehousing and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes.

The Challenge: CDC with Delta Tables

When your source is a Delta table, CDC can get a bit tricky. The error message “Detected a data update and this is currently not supported” is a common issue that arises when trying to apply CDC to a Delta table. This is because Delta tables are designed to capture changes, and CDC is also trying to capture changes, which can lead to conflicts and inconsistencies.

Solution 1: Use a Staging Table

CREATE TABLE staging_table (
  id INT,
  column1 VARCHAR(50),
  column2 INT,
  operation CHAR(1)  -- 'I' for insert, 'U' for update, 'D' for delete

INSERT INTO staging_table (id, column1, column2, operation)
SELECT id, column1, column2, 'I' AS operation
FROM delta_table
WHERE delta_column = 'insert';

INSERT INTO staging_table (id, column1, column2, operation)
SELECT id, column1, column2, 'U' AS operation
FROM delta_table
WHERE delta_column = 'update';

INSERT INTO staging_table (id, column1, column2, operation)
SELECT id, column1, column2, 'D' AS operation
FROM delta_table
WHERE delta_column = 'delete';

Once the staging table is populated, you can apply CDC to this table, and it will capture the changes correctly.

Solution 2: Use a CDC Tool with Delta Table Support

Another approach is to use a CDC tool that natively supports Delta tables. Such tools are designed to handle the complexities of Delta tables and can apply CDC directly to the Delta table without the need for a staging table.

Some popular CDC tools that support Delta tables include:

  • Debezium
  • Debezium Delta
  • Oracle GoldenGate
  • Attunity Replicate

These tools provide a more streamlined approach to CDC with Delta tables, and can save you a significant amount of time and effort.

Solution 3: Implement a Custom CDC Process

If you don’t want to use a staging table or a CDC tool, you can implement a custom CDC process that directly interacts with the Delta table. This approach requires a deeper understanding of CDC and Delta tables, as well as programming skills in a language such as Python or Java.

import pandas as pd

# Read the Delta table
delta_table = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM delta_table", conn)

# Initialize an empty DataFrame to store the CDC changes
cdc_changes = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'column1', 'column2', 'operation'])

# Loop through the Delta table and apply CDC
for index, row in delta_table.iterrows():
    if row['delta_column'] == 'insert':
        cdc_changes = cdc_changes.append({'id': row['id'], 'column1': row['column1'], 'column2': row['column2'], 'operation': 'I'}, ignore_index=True)
    elif row['delta_column'] == 'update':
        cdc_changes = cdc_changes.append({'id': row['id'], 'column1': row['column1'], 'column2': row['column2'], 'operation': 'U'}, ignore_index=True)
    elif row['delta_column'] == 'delete':
        cdc_changes = cdc_changes.append({'id': row['id'], 'column1': row['column1'], 'column2': row['column2'], 'operation': 'D'}, ignore_index=True)

# Write the CDC changes to a target table
cdc_changes.to_sql('cdc_target_table', conn, if_exists='append', index=False)

This custom CDC process reads the Delta table, applies the CDC logic, and writes the changes to a target table. This approach provides a high degree of flexibility and customization, but requires more development and maintenance efforts.


In conclusion, CDC with Delta tables can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can overcome the “Detected a data update and this is currently not supported” error message. By using a staging table, a CDC tool with Delta table support, or implementing a custom CDC process, you can successfully capture changes from your Delta table and apply CDC. Remember to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each approach and choose the one that best fits your specific use case.

Solution Pros Cons
Staging Table Easy to implement, flexible, and customizable Requires extra storage, potential performance impact, and added complexity
CDC Tool with Delta Table Support Streamlined approach, natively supports Delta tables, and easy to use May require additional licensing costs, limited customization options, and potential vendor lock-in
Custom CDC Process Highly customizable, flexible, and cost-effective Requires programming skills, development efforts, and maintenance costs

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle CDC with Delta tables and overcome the challenges that come with it. Happy CDC-ing!

Related Reading:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with CDC and Delta tables? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the main issue when doing CDC with a Delta table as the source?

The main issue is that CDC (Change Data Capture) is not supported when the source is a Delta table that has undergone a data update. This is because Delta tables are meant for data lakes and CDC is designed for transactional data sources. When a data update is detected in a Delta table, CDC doesn’t know how to handle it, resulting in an error.

Why does CDC not support data updates in Delta tables?

CDC is designed to work with transactional data sources, where each transaction is atomic and consistent. Delta tables, on the other hand, are optimized for data lakes and allow for data updates, which can lead to inconsistencies and make it difficult for CDC to track changes accurately. To ensure data integrity and consistency, CDC doesn’t support data updates in Delta tables.

Is there a workaround to do CDC with a Delta table as the source?

While CDC doesn’t support data updates in Delta tables, you can use alternative methods to achieve similar results. One approach is to use Delta’s built-in support for incremental data ingestion and data versioning. This way, you can track changes and updates to your data without relying on CDC. Another option is to use other data integration tools that support data lake architectures.

What are some alternative data integration tools that support CDC with Delta tables?

There are several data integration tools that support CDC with Delta tables, such as Apache NiFi, Apache Beam, and AWS Glue. These tools are designed to handle data lake architectures and provide features for incremental data ingestion, data versioning, and change data capture.

What is the future of CDC with Delta tables?

As data lake architectures continue to evolve, there is a growing need for CDC to support Delta tables and other data lake storage systems. While CDC doesn’t currently support data updates in Delta tables, it’s likely that future versions will address this limitation. In the meantime, it’s essential to explore alternative methods and tools that can help you achieve your data integration goals.