Overcoming the Error Creating 2 Database Users in SpringBoot 3 App with Liquibase
Image by Malaki - hkhazo.biz.id

Overcoming the Error Creating 2 Database Users in SpringBoot 3 App with Liquibase

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating error of creating two database users in your SpringBoot 3 application with Liquibase? Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of trial and error, trying to figure out what’s going wrong? Fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating multiple database users in your SpringBoot 3 app with Liquibase, and troubleshoot the common errors that arise during this process.

What is Liquibase?

Liquibase is an open-source tool for managing and versioning database changes. It allows you to track changes made to your database schema and roll back to previous versions if needed. In a SpringBoot application, Liquibase is used to create and manage the database schema, making it an essential tool for any developer working with databases.

The Problem: Error Creating 2 Database Users

When creating multiple database users in your SpringBoot 3 application with Liquibase, you might encounter an error message similar to this:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY 'password' at line 1

This error occurs when Liquibase tries to create the second database user, and MySQL throws a syntax error. But don’t worry, we’ll show you how to overcome this hurdle and create multiple database users successfully.

Solution 1: Create Multiple Database Users using Liquibase Changesets

One way to create multiple database users is by using Liquibase changesets. A changeset is a single change to your database, such as creating a new user or table. Here’s an example of how to create two database users using changesets:


  <changeSet author="author" id="create-user-1">
      CREATE USER 'user1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';

  <changeSet author="author" id="create-user-2">
      CREATE USER 'user2'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password2';


In this example, we define two changesets, each creating a new database user. Make sure to update the `author` and `id` attributes to match your requirements.

Solution 2: Create Multiple Database Users using a Single Liquibase Changeset

Another way to create multiple database users is by using a single changeset with a multi-statement SQL command. Here’s an example:


  <changeSet author="author" id="create-users">
      CREATE USER 'user1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';
      CREATE USER 'user2'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password2';


In this example, we define a single changeset with a multi-statement SQL command, creating two database users in one go.

Troubleshooting Common Errors

When creating multiple database users, you might encounter some common errors. Let’s troubleshoot them together!

Error 1: MySQL Syntax Error

If you’re using a multi-statement SQL command, make sure to separate each statement with a semicolon (;) and a newline character (\n). This ensures that MySQL interprets each statement correctly.

  CREATE USER 'user1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';
  CREATE USER 'user2'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password2';

Error 2: User Already Exists

If you’re trying to create a user that already exists, MySQL will throw an error. To avoid this, you can add a conditional statement to check if the user exists before creating it:

  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'user1') THEN
    CREATE USER 'user1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';
  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'user2') THEN
    CREATE USER 'user2'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password2';


Creating multiple database users in a SpringBoot 3 application with Liquibase can be a breeze if you know the right approaches. By using Liquibase changesets or a single changeset with a multi-statement SQL command, you can overcome the common error of creating two database users. Remember to troubleshoot syntax errors and user existence checks to ensure a smooth deployment.

Solution Pros Cons
Create Multiple Database Users using Liquibase Changesets
  • Easy to maintain and update individual changesets
  • Clear separation of concerns for each changeset
  • More verbose and requires multiple changesets
Create Multiple Database Users using a Single Liquibase Changeset
  • Less verbose and requires only one changeset
  • Faster deployment and execution
  • More complex and error-prone SQL command

Now, go ahead and create those database users with confidence! If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Further Reading

Want to dive deeper into the world of Liquibase and SpringBoot? Check out these resources:

Happy coding, and see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with creating 2 database users in your SpringBoot 3 app with Liquibase? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q1: What is the main reason behind the error in creating 2 database users in SpringBoot 3 app with Liquibase?

The main reason behind this error is due to the default behavior of SpringBoot 3, which uses the HikariCP connection pool. By default, HikariCP creates a single user connection to the database, and Liquibase tries to create two users simultaneously, resulting in a conflict.

Q2: How can I configure HikariCP to allow multiple users in my SpringBoot 3 app with Liquibase?

You can configure HikariCP by setting the `hibernate.connection.provider_class` property to `org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaEntityManagerFactory` in your `application.properties` file. Additionally, you need to set `spring.datasource.username` and `spring.datasource.password` to the username and password of the first user, and create the second user in the liquibase changelog.

Q3: Can I use a single database user for both Liquibase and my SpringBoot 3 app?

Yes, you can use a single database user for both Liquibase and your SpringBoot 3 app. Just make sure to grant the necessary permissions to the user, and configure the `spring.datasource.username` and `spring.datasource.password` properties accordingly. This approach simplifies the configuration, but keep in mind that it might not be suitable for production environments where separation of concerns is crucial.

Q4: How can I handle the error when Liquibase tries to create the second user?

You can handle the error by using Liquibase’s `runWith` attribute, which allows you to specify a different username and password for the changelog execution. This way, you can create the second user without conflicting with the first user created by SpringBoot 3.

Q5: Are there any alternative approaches to creating 2 database users in SpringBoot 3 app with Liquibase?

Yes, you can consider using a single database user for both Liquibase and your SpringBoot 3 app, or use a different connection pool like Apache Commons DBCP or Tomcat JDBC connection pool, which might not have the same limitation as HikariCP. Additionally, you can explore other database migration tools like Flyway or Hibernate Envers, which might provide more flexibility in terms of user management.