Troubleshooting Playwright Cucumber TypeScript Soft Assertions: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Troubleshooting Playwright Cucumber TypeScript Soft Assertions: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling with soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber using TypeScript? Do you find that they don’t work as expected, and your tests grind to a halt, refusing to execute further steps? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of soft assertions, explore the common pitfalls, and provide a comprehensive guide to getting them working like a charm.

What are Soft Assertions?

In traditional assertion-based testing, a failed assertion would immediately terminate the test, causing the entire test suite to fail. Soft assertions, on the other hand, allow you to continue executing the test even when an assertion fails. This enables you to verify multiple conditions without the test being stopped prematurely.

The Problem: Soft Assertions in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript Don’t Work as Expected

When using soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript, you might encounter issues where the assertions don’t work as expected. This can lead to tests failing or not executing further steps, making it challenging to debug and identify the root cause.

Common Causes of Soft Assertion Issues in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore the common causes of soft assertion issues in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript:

  • Incorrect Import Statements: Failing to import the correct assertion libraries or using incorrect versions can lead to soft assertion issues.
  • Mismatched Expectation and Actual Values: When the expected value doesn’t match the actual value, soft assertions can fail to work as expected.
  • : Failing to handle asynchronous code correctly can cause soft assertions to malfunction.
  • : Misconfigured test frameworks or cucumber settings can prevent soft assertions from working correctly.

Solving Soft Assertion Issues in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s walk through the steps to resolve soft assertion issues in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript:

Step 1: Verify Correct Import Statements

Ensure you’re importing the correct assertion libraries and using the correct versions. For example:

import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { Before, Given, Then, When } from '@cucumber/cucumber';
import { softAssert } from 'soft-assert';

Step 2: Review Expectation and Actual Values

Double-check that the expected value matches the actual value. Pay attention to data types, as mismatched types can cause soft assertions to fail:

const actualValue = 'hello';
const expectedValue = 'hello';

softAssert.assertEqual(actualValue, expectedValue, 'Expected values to match');

Step 3: Handle Async Code Correctly

When working with asynchronous code, ensure you’re using the correct await syntax and handling promises correctly:

When('I click the button', async () => {
  softAssert.assertTrue(page.url().includes('/new-page'), 'Expected URL to include /new-page');

Step 4: Verify Test Framework Configuration

Review your test framework configuration to ensure it’s set up correctly. Check your cucumber configuration file (e.g., `cucumber.js` or `cucumber.conf.js`) for any issues:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      name: 'soft-assert',
      options: {
        enabled: true,

Step 5: Implement Soft Assertions Correctly

Use the `softAssert` object to make assertions. You can use various methods like `assertEqual`, `assertTrue`, `assertFalse`, and more:

Then('the page title is correct', () => {
  softAssert.assertEqual(page.title(), 'Expected Page Title', 'Page title does not match');

Best Practices for Soft Assertions in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript

To ensure soft assertions work smoothly in your Playwright Cucumber TypeScript tests, follow these best practices:

  1. Use Soft Assertions Judiciously: Soft assertions should be used sparingly, as they can make tests more complex and harder to debug.
  2. Keep Assertions Simple and Clear: Use simple and clear assertion messages to help you quickly identify issues.
  3. Test for Expected Failures: Test your soft assertions by intentionally causing them to fail, ensuring they work as expected.
  4. Use the Correct Assertion Method: Choose the correct assertion method based on the expected result (e.g., `assertEqual` for exact matches, `assertTrue` for boolean checks).


In this article, we’ve explored the common causes of soft assertion issues in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript and provided a step-by-step guide to resolving these issues. By following these instructions and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to harnessing the power of soft assertions in your tests. Remember to use soft assertions judiciously, keep assertions simple and clear, test for expected failures, and use the correct assertion method.

Keyword Description
Playwright A browser automation framework for Node.js.
Cucumber A behavior-driven development (BDD) testing framework.
TypeScript A statically typed, superset of JavaScript.
Soft Assertions A type of assertion that allows tests to continue executing even when an assertion fails.

By mastering soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber TypeScript, you’ll be able to write more efficient, reliable, and maintainable tests. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to common questions about using soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript.

Why do soft assertions not work as expected in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript?

Soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript might not work as expected due to the way Cucumber handles errors. When an assertion fails, Cucumber will stop executing the current step and move on to the next one, without considering the soft assertion as a failure. This might lead to unexpected behavior, making it seem like the soft assertions are not working.

How can I make soft assertions work correctly in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript?

To make soft assertions work correctly, you can use a workaround by aggregating all the assertions in a single step. This way, if any of the soft assertions fail, the entire step will fail, and Cucumber will treat it as an error. You can achieve this by using a single expect statement that wraps all the assertions.

What is the syntax to use soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript?

The syntax for using soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript is similar to regular assertions. You can use the `softAssert` function from the `@cucumber/expect` package, like this: `import { softAssert } from ‘@cucumber/expect’;`. Then, wrap your assertions with the `softAssert` function, for example: `softAssert.expect(someCondition).toBe(true);`.

Can I use soft assertions with other assertion libraries in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript?

Yes, you can use soft assertions with other assertion libraries, such as chai or jest. However, you might need to adapt the syntax and implementation to work with the specific library. Additionally, make sure the library is compatible with Playwright Cucumber and TypeScript.

What are some best practices for using soft assertions in Playwright Cucumber with TypeScript?

Some best practices for using soft assertions include: using them sparingly and only when necessary, keeping the assertions concise and clear, and making sure to handle failures correctly. It’s also essential to document the assertions clearly, so other developers understand the intent behind the soft assertions.

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