Unveiling the Mystery: Get Variable Stored at Specific Memory Address in Java
Image by Malaki - hkhazo.biz.id

Unveiling the Mystery: Get Variable Stored at Specific Memory Address in Java

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Have you ever wondered how to tap into the underlying memory of your Java program to access a variable stored at a specific memory address? Well, buckle up, folks! In this article, we’re going to take a deep dive into the world of Java memory management and explore the ways to achieve this seemingly impossible task.

Understanding Java Memory Management

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of accessing variables at specific memory addresses, it’s essential to understand how Java manages memory. Java uses a concept called automatic memory management, which means that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) takes care of allocating and deallocating memory for objects and variables. This process is handled by the garbage collector, which runs in the background and frees up memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.

The Problem with Memory Addresses

In Java, variables are stored in memory locations, but the language doesn’t provide direct access to these memory addresses. Instead, Java uses a layer of abstraction, known as references, to interact with objects and variables. This means that when you create a variable, you’re not directly accessing the memory address; you’re working with a reference to that memory address.

So, how do you get around this limitation and access a variable stored at a specific memory address? Well, there are a few ways to do it, and we’ll explore each method in detail.

Method 1: Using Sun’s Unsafe Class

The first method involves using the sun.misc.Unsafe class, which is a part of the Java standard library. This class provides low-level operations that allow you to directly access memory addresses. However, using this class is considered unsafe (pun intended) and is not recommended for production code.

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

public class UnsafeAccess {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Unsafe unsafe =Unsafe.getUnsafe();
        int variable = 10;
        long address = unsafe.getLong(new Object() { }, 8L);
        System.out.println("Memory address: " + address);
        int value = unsafe.getInt(address);
        System.out.println("Value at memory address: " + value);

In the example above, we’re using the sun.misc.Unsafe class to get the memory address of the `variable` object. We then use the `getInt` method to retrieve the value stored at that memory address.

Risks and Caveats

Using the sun.misc.Unsafe class comes with its fair share of risks. Since this class provides direct access to memory addresses, it can lead to memory corruption, crashes, and other unspecified behavior. Additionally, this class is not part of the Java standard API, and its use is discouraged.

Method 2: Using Java Native Interface (JNI)

The second method involves using the Java Native Interface (JNI) to access native memory. JNI is a framework that allows Java code to interact with native code written in languages like C or C++.

To use JNI, you’ll need to create a native method in your Java code that calls a C or C++ function to access the memory address. Here’s an example:

public class JNIAccess {
    public native int getVariableAtAddress(long address);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JNIAccess access = new JNIAccess();
        int variable = 10;
        long address = getAddress(variable);
        int value = access.getVariableAtAddress(address);
        System.out.println("Value at memory address: " + value);

    private native long getAddress(int variable);

In the example above, we’ve declared two native methods: `getVariableAtAddress` and `getAddress`. The `getAddress` method returns the memory address of the `variable` object, and the `getVariableAtAddress` method retrieves the value stored at that memory address.

You’ll need to compile the native code using a C or C++ compiler, and then load the resulting library into your Java program using the `System.load` method.

Risks and Caveats

Using JNI comes with its own set of risks. Since you’re interacting with native code, you’ll need to ensure that the native code is correctly implemented and doesn’t introduce any memory leaks or crashes. Additionally, JNI can be complex to set up and may require additional dependencies.

Method 3: Using Java Instrumentation

The third method involves using Java instrumentation to access the memory address of a variable. Java instrumentation is a Java API that allows you to inspect and modify the bytecode of a Java program.

To use Java instrumentation, you’ll need to create an instrumentation agent that can access the memory address of a variable. Here’s an example:

import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;

public class InstrumentationAccess {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Instrumentation instrumentation = new Instrumentation();
        int variable = 10;
        long address = getAddress(instrumentation, variable);
        System.out.println("Memory address: " + address);

    private static native long getAddress(Instrumentation instrumentation, int variable);

In the example above, we’ve created an instrumentation agent that retransforms the `InstrumentationAccess` class to access the memory address of the `variable` object.

You’ll need to implement the `getAddress` method using a Java agent, which can inspect the bytecode of the Java program and retrieve the memory address of the variable.

Risks and Caveats

Using Java instrumentation comes with its own set of risks. Since you’re modifying the bytecode of a Java program, you’ll need to ensure that the instrumentation agent doesn’t introduce any compatibility issues or affect the performance of the program.


Accessing a variable stored at a specific memory address in Java is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of Java memory management and low-level operations. While there are risks and caveats associated with each method, using the sun.misc.Unsafe class, JNI, or Java instrumentation can provide a way to tap into the underlying memory of your Java program.

Remember to use these methods judiciously and with caution, as they can lead to memory corruption, crashes, and other unspecified behavior. Always ensure that you understand the implications of using these methods and test your code thoroughly to avoid any unexpected behavior.

Method Description Risks and Caveats
sun.misc.Unsafe Provides low-level operations to access memory addresses Memory corruption, crashes, and unspecified behavior
Java Native Interface (JNI) Allows Java code to interact with native code Memory leaks, crashes, and complexity in setting up native code
Java Instrumentation Allows inspecting and modifying bytecode of a Java program Compatibility issues, performance affects, and complexity in implementing instrumentation agent

By following the instructions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to get variable stored at specific memory address in Java. Remember to use these methods responsibly and with caution to avoid any unexpected behavior.

  1. Understand Java memory management and how it affects your program.
  2. Choose the method that best suits your requirements, considering the risks and caveats associated with each method.
  3. Implement the chosen method with caution, ensuring that you understand the implications of using low-level operations.

Happy coding, and may the memory be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Need help accessing variables stored at specific memory addresses in Java? You’re in the right place!

Can I directly access a variable stored at a specific memory address in Java?

Nope! In Java, you can’t directly access a variable stored at a specific memory address like you can in languages like C or C++. Java’s memory management is handled by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and it abstracts away the underlying memory architecture.

Are there any workarounds to get the memory address of a variable in Java?

While you can’t get the exact memory address, you can use the `hashCode()` method to get a unique identifier for an object. However, this is not the actual memory address and should not be used as such. Another approach is to use Java’s `sun.misc.Unsafe` class, but be warned: it’s not part of the standard Java API and can be unstable.

How do I get the memory address of a primitive type in Java?

You can’t! Primitive types in Java don’t have a concept of memory addresses. They’re stored in the JVM’s stack or registers, and their memory management is handled internally by the JVM.

Can I use native code to get the memory address of a Java variable?

Yes, you can use Java Native Interface (JNI) or Java Native Access (JNA) to call native code and access the memory address of a Java variable. However, this requires writing native code and using the Java Native Interface (JNI) or Java Native Access (JNA) libraries, which can be complex and error-prone.

Is there a way to get the memory address of an object in Java for debugging purposes?

Yes, you can use Java’s built-in debugging tools, such as the Java Debugger (jdb) or Eclipse’s Debugger, to inspect the memory address of an object. These tools allow you to step through your code, inspect variables, and even modify memory contents – all within a controlled debugging environment.

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