Snowpipe and Handling Schema Evolution without Re-ingesting the Data from an External Table
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Snowpipe and Handling Schema Evolution without Re-ingesting the Data from an External Table

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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of re-ingesting data from an external table every time your schema changes? Do you wish there was a more efficient way to handle schema evolution in Snowflake? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the magic of Snowpipe and how it can help you handle schema changes without re-ingesting data from an external table.

What is Snowpipe?

Snowpipe is a cloud-based data ingestion service offered by Snowflake that allows you to load data from external sources, such as S3 buckets, Azure Blobs, or Google Cloud Storage, into your Snowflake account. It’s a game-changer for data teams, as it enables fast, secure, and scalable data ingestion.

Key Benefits of Snowpipe

  • Faster Data Ingestion: Snowpipe can ingest data at incredible speeds, making it ideal for real-time data analytics and reporting.
  • Scalability: Snowpipe can handle large volumes of data and scale according to your needs.
  • Security: Snowpipe provides encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure your data is secure during transmission.
  • Flexibility: Snowpipe supports various data formats, including CSV, Avro, and JSON, making it easy to work with different data sources.

Handling Schema Evolution with Snowpipe

One of the biggest challenges in data engineering is handling schema changes. When your schema evolves, you need to re-ingest the data from the external table to reflect the changes. But what if you could avoid re-ingesting data altogether? That’s where Snowpipe comes in.

Snowpipe allows you to define a schema for your data ingestion pipeline, which can be updated as your schema evolves. This means you can make changes to your schema without having to re-ingest the data from the external table.

Step-by-Step Guide to Handling Schema Evolution with Snowpipe

Follow these steps to handle schema evolution with Snowpipe:

  1. Define Your Initial Schema: Create a Snowpipe pipeline and define the initial schema for your data ingestion. This schema should align with the structure of your external table.
  2. Ingest Initial Data: Ingest the initial data from the external table into Snowflake using Snowpipe.
  3. Update Your Schema: When your schema evolves, update the Snowpipe pipeline schema to reflect the changes.
  4. Resume Data Ingestion: Resumption of data ingestion will occur automatically, and Snowpipe will apply the updated schema to new data ingested from the external table.
  5. Backfill Data (Optional): If you need to apply the updated schema to historical data, you can backfill the data by re-ingesting the data from the external table using the updated schema.

  COPY INTO my_table
  FROM '@my_stage/my_file.csv'

Example: Handling Schema Evolution with Snowpipe

Let’s consider an example where we have an external table with a simple schema:

Column Name Data Type

Our initial Snowpipe pipeline schema matches this table structure:

  COPY INTO my_table
  FROM '@my_stage/my_file.csv'

Later, we decide to add a new column, PHONE_NUMBER, to our table:

Column Name Data Type

We update our Snowpipe pipeline schema to reflect the changes:

  COPY INTO my_table
  FROM '@my_stage/my_file.csv'

Now, when we resume data ingestion, Snowpipe will apply the updated schema to new data ingested from the external table, and we don’t need to re-ingest the entire dataset.

Benefits of Handling Schema Evolution with Snowpipe

By handling schema evolution with Snowpipe, you can:

  • Avoid Re-ingesting Data: No need to re-ingest the entire dataset when your schema changes.
  • Maintain Data Continuity: Ensure data continuity and avoid data loss during schema changes.
  • Improve Data Freshness: With Snowpipe, you can ingest data in near real-time, ensuring your data is always fresh and up-to-date.
  • Reduce Maintenance Efforts: Simplify your data maintenance efforts by eliminating the need for re-ingesting data during schema changes.


In this article, we’ve explored the benefits of using Snowpipe for handling schema evolution without re-ingesting data from an external table. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure seamless schema changes and maintain data continuity. Remember, with Snowpipe, you can focus on what matters most – extracting insights from your data – while letting Snowflake handle the heavy lifting of data ingestion and schema evolution.

Try Snowpipe today and experience the power of effortless data ingestion and schema evolution!

Frequently Asked Questions

About Snowpipe and Handling Schema Evolution Without Re-Ingesting the Data from an External Table

What is Snowpipe and how does it handle schema evolution?

Snowpipe is a cloud-based data ingestion and processing service offered by Snowflake. It enables users to ingest data from various sources, transform it, and load it into Snowflake tables. When it comes to schema evolution, Snowpipe can handle changes to the source data schema without re-ingesting the entire dataset from the external table. Instead, it can detect and adapt to changes, such as new columns or data types, and apply them to the target Snowflake table.

Can Snowpipe handle changes to the source data schema in real-time?

Yes, Snowpipe is designed to handle changes to the source data schema in real-time. As new data is ingested, Snowpipe can detect changes to the schema and apply them to the target Snowflake table. This ensures that the data in Snowflake remains up-to-date and mirrors the changes made to the source data.

What happens if the schema evolution results in data type changes?

If the schema evolution results in data type changes, Snowpipe can handle these changes seamlessly. For example, if a column’s data type changes from integer to string, Snowpipe can adapt to this change and ensure that the data is correctly loaded into the Snowflake table with the new data type.

Can Snowpipe handle schema evolution for data from multiple sources?

Yes, Snowpipe can handle schema evolution for data from multiple sources. Whether you’re ingesting data from cloud storage, messaging queues, or APIs, Snowpipe can detect and adapt to schema changes across multiple sources, ensuring that the data in Snowflake remains consistent and up-to-date.

What are the benefits of using Snowpipe for schema evolution?

Using Snowpipe for schema evolution offers several benefits, including reduced data re-ingestion, minimized data loss, and improved data freshness. By handling schema changes in real-time, Snowpipe enables users to focus on data analysis and insights rather than data management and maintenance.

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